Simple Guide for Eliminating Billbugs
Like any other insect, an infestation of billbugs will ruin your beautiful lawn. These little critters will start doing damage to your turfgrass (it will turn brown) and will become evident around July or August. Larvae will cause the most damage. Don’t let this happened to you. Find out how you can protect your lawn against billbugs.
Identifying Billbugs
These lawn invaders are small, hard-sided beetles that feed on and lay eggs in your grass. They are dark or black and about a half-inch long. They have long bills, or snouts, which are distinctive. They are slow-moving and play dead if disturbed. The larvae feed on the grass blades and eventually the roots.
Controlling Billbugs Larvae
You can introduce neonicotinoid and anthranilic diamides to control the larvae. These insecticides absorb into the plant stems and leaves, and when the larvae begin feeding on the stem, they will come into contact with the pesticide. If the damage is already done, there are some options you have. Billbug damage can typically be fixed with good irrigation and fertilization.
Good Lawn Maintenance Practices
Growing a healthy lawn will help to keep pests under control. Fertilize as suggested for the species of grass you are growing. For most types of grass, one pound of nitrogen per 1,000 Sq Ft. four times a year is recommended. Water often so that the lawn never suffers from drought stress. Mow regularly with sharp blades, at the recommended height for your particular grass species.
If your grass turns brown and lifts out quickly when pulled, it is time to call a lawn care company.
If you want to learn more about billbug damage and what alternatives you have for controlling these pests, contact the experts at Secure Lawn.